Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Naturalism And Evolutionary Theory Is Self Undermining

Naturalism in Conjunction with Evolutionary Theory is Self Undermining Naturalism is self undermining because if naturalism and evolution is true, we have insufficient reason to believe our cognitive faculties are reliable, which means that any human construct (including naturalism and evolution) is unreliable. Plantinga’s evolutionary argument against naturalism (EAAN) argues the combination of evolutionary theory and naturalism is self-defeating on the basis that naturalism and evolution is true, the probability that humans have reliable cognitive faculties is inscrutable. If god creates us either directly, or indirectly through directed evolutionary means, we are guaranteed our cognitive faculties, when properly used and normal, are reliable. This hinges on three claims: naturalism is committed to a Darwinian theory of origin, darwinian evolutionary processes would not likely yield cognitive processes which are reliable in a relevant epistemic sense, and theistic creation w ould yield reliable cognitive mechanisms. In his EAAN, Plantinga (1994) discusses four ways in which evolution would produce creatures with belief generating mechanisms of which one would not want to bet on. These will be discussed in the following to prove that the confluence of evolutionary theory with naturalism is self defeating. Firstly, Plantinga (1994) discusses epiphenomenalism; that physical events are completely independent of mental processes. He discusses that there is no causalShow MoreRelatedOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pages. Organization Theory Challenges and Perspectives John McAuley, Joanne Duberley and Phil Johnson . This book is, to my knowledge, the most comprehensive and reliable guide to organisational theory currently available. What is needed is a text that will give a good idea of the breadth and complexity of this important subject, and this is precisely what McAuley, Duberley and Johnson have provided. They have done some sterling service in bringing together the very diverse strands of work

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Communication Is Defined As “A Process Of Circular...

Communication is defined as â€Å"a process of circular interaction involving a sender, receiver, and message† (Moran; p. 80). Effective workplace communication can be difficult when interacting with employees from different cultures and areas of the world. Familiar social and communicative norms may be interpreted as offensive to employees who are not accustomed to the culture in the country of operation. Managers incur the sole responsibility of building and employing best approaches for employees not to not only feel valued and included, but also for them to communicate effectively towards a common purpose or goal. Effective communication can be enhanced in a multicultural department by (1) developing and exemplifying the necessary†¦show more content†¦First, it is imperative for managers to actively listen to employees without negatively interpreting or judging. Instead, they should demonstrate a high level of empathy and tolerance. In addition, to achieve in tercultural effectiveness among team members through enhanced communication, managers should exemplify respect both verbally and nonverbally when interacting with employees and other associates. As managers demonstrate a high-level of understanding and tolerance through employing different methods of effective communication, the likelihood of leading a team of multicultural employees down a path to successfully work together significantly increases. This is a skillset that is much easier to teach than it is to apply. According to a scholarly article written by Barbara Mazur, managerial and team development is crucial to achieve intercultural workplace success. â€Å"Since managing diversity remains a significant organizational challenge, managers must learn the managerial skills needed in a multicultural work environment. Supervisors and managers must be prepared to teach themselves and others within their organizations to value multicultural differences in both associates and cu stomers so that everyone is treated with dignity† (Mazur; p. 5). Similar to gaining additional insight on the various customs and behaviors of employees from different regions and cultures on an individual level, managers can also gain even more knowledge and understanding by interactingShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of Collective Behavior Essay1219 Words   |  5 Pagesmore individuals acting together or collectively. ( Smelser, 1965) The term collective behavior was first used by Robert E. Park, and was employed by Herbert Blumer. According to Smelser, there is a relation between communication and interaction and the definition of collective behaviour. â€Å"The central defining characteristic of an episode of collective behaviour is a belief envisioning the reconstitution of some component of social action†. 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Monday, December 9, 2019

The Key Changes in Privacy Act 1988-Free-Samples for Students

Question: Discuss about the Key Changes in Privacy Act 1988 and how these Changes affect the National and Overseas Organization. Answer: Introduction: The privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act) provide protection to the personal information. Personal information is considered as information which can identify the person, such as name, address, Phone number, date of birth, records related to medical, bank account details, and opinions related to the person. There are number of amendments related to the Privacy Act and these amendments are introduced on 12th March 2014. It states the new set of Australian Privacy Principles (APPs), and these principles define the procedure through which information is handled by private sector organizations and Australian Government agencies. It also includes the changes related to the collection and use of credit information, and imposed various new powers in the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (OAIC) for the purpose of resolving privacy complaints and investigations. This paper contains the discussion on National and overseas effects of the new privacy Act. In this, a provision related to privacy Act of other countries is also discussed. Lastly, paper is concluded with brief conclusion. National and overseas effects of the new privacy Act: Key changes: Amendments made by government in the Privacy Act include various new provisions and obligations in terms of corresponding compliance. Two parts of the Act are completely changed by these new amendments. Provisions of Privacy Act in relation to credit reporting are completely replaced by new credit provisions. Numbers of important changes are introduced in the current framework such as policy related to the credit information, collection and recording of information related to credit, and disclosure of such information to overseas entities. It is necessary for those retail businesses that issue credit cards, banks, business organizations which substantially involve the provision related to the credit, those suppliers which supplies goods and services on credit payment/terms, equipment lessors, and credit providers to follow this new framework. This framework was amended on the basis of revised Credit Reporting Privacy Code developed by Australian Retail Credit Association, and it was registered by the Australian Privacy Commissioner (Commissioner) (Goblin, 2014). It must be noted that credit reporting provisions under the privacy Act states various types of credit providers which includes banks and retailers. However, maximum organization can be considered as: Agent of credit provider which helps the credit provider in processing the application for credit. Organization is considered as credit provider if it allows the client to defer the repayment of the cost in relation of goods purchased by client or services provided to the client for the period of seven days. It is very important for organizations to ensure that their privacy policy, credit reporting policy, and collection statements provide details of the actual management of the personal information in context of that organization. Documentation related to privacy compliance must be reflective in nature for the purpose of collection, uses, storage, disclosures, access and correction of the personal information. However, the main legal risk related to an organization is occurred because of the statements included by organization in the privacy compliance document, and these risks arise because there is misalignment of privacy policy with the actual practices of the organization. Therefore, it is clear that noncompliance and liability on organization arise because organization fails to fulfill its promises (Delaney Davis, 2014). It must be noted that these key changes are mainly reflected by the APP1 and APP5 that is privacy policy and notification obligations respectively. These standards impose higher burden on business organizations to institute practices, procedures and policies which ensure privacy protection. It also includes procedures related to inquiries and complaints in regards of organization compliance with the APPs. It must be noted that privacy policy must be transparent, accessible to the public, and must be available for free of charge. Following are some details stated below which must be included in the privacy policy of the organization: Particular type of personal information which is collected and holds by the organization, and method for the purpose of collection and holding such information. Policy must state the primary and secondary purpose for which such information is collected, hold, and disclosed by the organization. Method through which individual access his personal information and how changes can be made by the individual in such information. Procedure related to the complaint in case of breach of the APPs or an applicable registered APP code; and how organization deals with complaint made by individual. Other changes: Some other changes are also stated below which affect the working and obligations of organizations at both national and overseas: APP2- this standard provides that when there is no obligation on individual to disclose their identity then such individual can use a pseudonym. Previously individuals only have option of anonymity. APP4- this standard provides that in case organization receives any information through unsolicited means and it is not possible for organization to receive that information through solicited means then it is the obligation of organization to destroy that information. APP7- this standard increases the requirements for consent of informed user in relation to direct marketing. Organizations must ensure simple ways through which individual can place request for not receiving direct marketing and also for making request that personal information of the individual is not given to any third party for the similar purpose (OAIC, 2014). Overseas effect: Section 16C and APP8 that is disclosure to overseas entities are considered as the most controversial and least understood change. It must be noted that above stated changes mainly impact the organizations working at national level, but this change impacts the organization working at overseas. APP8 set out the new principal of accountability and states that if any organization works in Australia wants to disclose personal information to an overseas entity then it is the duty of Australian organization to take such steps which ensures that overseas entity to which such information is disclosed must compiled with the APP standards. Personal information disclosures also include provision related to electronic viewing access, and it is not necessary that there must be physical transfer of data. In case overseas organization fails to comply with the APP standards in respect of personal information, then Australian organization is accountable and liable under section 16C in such manner as Australian organization failed to compile with the Privacy Act. Therefore, it is necessary for those organizations which provide personal information to overseas organization to consider contractual binding on those overseas entities for the purpose of complying with the new legislation and privacy policy of Australian organization. It also includes implementing the safeguards related to the privacy policy, legal exposure of the Australian organization in case overseas organization breaches the contract and fails to implement those safeguards (OAIC, 2015). This can be understood through example in relation to Foreign IT suppliers, as per this IT suppliers are also bound by the privacy Act of Australia if they conduct any activity in the Australia. Even activities conducted by the suppliers outside the Australia then also they are covered by this Act if (Corrs, 2017): Suppliers carry their business in Australia or They collect and hold the personal information in Australia or They receive personal information from Australian organization. For the above stated provisions, those organizations which are not physically present in the Australia but collect information from people through their online presence will be considered as organization which carries business in Australia. In other words, if any organization working at overseas collects any personal information from people in Australia through online source are bound by the Privacy Act of Australia. Powers of commissioner its effect: From March 2014, new amendments enhanced the power of the commissioner in relation to investigation and enforcement. Various new powers are imposed such as commissioner has right to get injunction from the Court against any person and organization which contravenes the provisions of the Privacy Act, obtain enforcement undertakings by that person which breached the privacy Act. Commissioner can also seek penalty orders from Federal Court of civil if there is any serious breach. Enhanced powers of commissioner impact both national and overseas organizations in following manner: Seeking permission- at the time of privacy reform process, complete banking sector and especially Australia and New Zealand Banking Group Limited (ANZ) show their concerns in relation to the changes occurred in principal of cross border disclosure and its impact on international operations of the banks. After the introduction of APP8 both ANZ and the Reserve Bank of Australia make application to the commissioner under public interest determinations for the purpose of allowing them and other authorized deposit taking institutions to disclose the personal information related to the beneficiary of an IMT to an overseas financial institution while processing the IMT. The actual concern in relation to that application was that because of the increased complication in international transfer system and practices conducted by overseas organizations, it is necessary to disclose the personal information beyond the permission granted by APP8. In this situation two determinations are made by Commissioner under public interest, and one determination is specifically relates with the ANZ and second for remaining banking industry. Commissioner stated that while disclosing the personal information of the beneficiary in case of IMT, ADI will not be held responsible for APP breaches on behalf of overseas organizations (Macor, 2014). Comparison with other country: it must be noted that provisions of privacy law vary country to country. This can be understood through example; it is very simple for US based companies to collect data from users in the EU. In EU strict data privacy laws are applicable if any organization is certified under a program called Safe Harbor. But few years before, safe harbor program was declared invalid by EU. As per Kate Lucente, attorney of US who works with the issues of data privacy it is necessary for companies to ensure some back up mechanism for the purpose of making data transfer legal. It is clear that there is huge difference between the countries privacy law and every country makes their laws as per issues addressed by them in relation to data privacy. Conclusion: This paper states the Key changes of privacy Act and how these changes affect the national and overseas organization. various important changes are stated in this paper such as Provisions of Privacy Act in relation to credit reporting are completely replaced by new credit provisions, enhanced powers of commissioner and how these powers affect the banking industry, information disclose to overseas organization, etc. This new privacy Act ensures protection of personal information of individuals and ensures data safety. References: Corrs, (2017). Major Changes To Australia's Privacy Act: Why They Matter For Foreign It Suppliers Doing Business In Australia. Viewed at: Accessed on 25th August 2017. Delaney, H. Davis, M. Privacy Act: Are you compliant. Viewed at: Accessed on 25th August 2017. Macor, N. (2014). The New Privacy Act: Six Months On. Viewed at: Accessed on 25th August 2017. OAIC, (2014). Privacy fact sheet 24: How changes to privacy law affect you. Viewed at: Accessed on 25th August 2017. OAIC, (2015). Cross-border disclosure of personal information. Viewed at: Accessed on 25th August 2017. Tobin, G. (2014). Privacy law in Australia: an overview. Viewed at: Accessed on 25th August 2017.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

The human cost of an illiterate society Jonathan Kozol Essay Essay Example

The human cost of an illiterate society: Jonathan Kozol Essay Essay As I type this essay I am utilizing one signifier of communicating available to those of us who are literate. Sadly non all of us have the ability to make what most if non all of us who are lucky to be literate. take for granted. One such article. â€Å"The Human Cost of an Illiterate Society? † elaborates on the issue of illiteracy. which is utterly apparent in America. This essay is written utilizing illustration to demo that cognition is so power and those who are nonreader are about powerless in today’s society. To even get down to turn out your thesis you need to to the full explicate and clear up what it is you are seeking to state and or turn out. Basically you are utilizing this technique to avoid vagueness in your essay. When Kozol provinces. â€Å"Tragedy looms larger than travesty in the United States today. † ambiguity is evident but he clears it up with the following few sentences by supplying grounds for this declaration â€Å"Illiterate citizens rarely vote. More often. they vote for a face. a smiling. or a manner. non for a head or character or organic structure of beliefs† ( Kozol 230 ) . Another illustration is. â€Å"Illiterates do non purchase ‘no name’ merchandises in the supermarkets. They must depend on exposure or the familiar Son that are printed on the bundles of brand-name groceries† ( Kozol 232 ) . The latter sentence of each quotation mark clarifies and explains the former sentence in each illustration. While clear uping and explicat ing are good thoughts when composing an essay you must maintain your readers from falling asleep. We will write a custom essay sample on The human cost of an illiterate society: Jonathan Kozol Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The human cost of an illiterate society: Jonathan Kozol Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The human cost of an illiterate society: Jonathan Kozol Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer A manner to maintain a clasp on reader’s attending is to add involvement that can be done by utilizing attractive illustrations that can at the same clip do clear certain points. Kozol is exceeding at this method as seen here: â€Å"They can non read the releases that they sign predating surgical processs. Several adult females I have known in Boston have entered a slum infirmary with the purpose of obtaining a tubal ligation and have emerged a few yearss subsequently after holding been subjected to a hysterectomy† ( Kozol 231 ) . A different illustration of adding involvement is as follow: â€Å"Even when labels are apparently clear. they may be easy mistaken. A adult female in Detroit brought place a gallon of Crisco for her children’s dinner. She thought that she had bought the poulet that was pictured on the label† ( Kozol 233 ) . In both instances he makes an allegedly simple statement interesting by supplying a typical illustration that clarifies the original statement. Once you have a reader’s involvement it is easy to declare that is all you need. but if you truly want to do announcement that is rational it is necessary to carry the reader every bit good. Giving facts and true narratives are ways of accomplishing this. To carry us that illiteracy is an existent job Kozol gives us the fact that the figure of illiterate grownups in this state is 16 million more than the full ballots cast for victor of the 1980 presidential election ( Kozol 230 ) . Facts like this brand you rethink your sentiment if you were disbelieving of the authors’ positions and do you more bearable to his beliefs if you were on his side in the beginning. Kozol implies that being illiterate makes it hard if non impossible for female parents and male parents to be successful in understanding their kids advancement in school. He persuades the reader by stating. â€Å"Illiterates can non read the letters their kids bring place from their instructors. They can non analyze school section handbills that tell them of the classs their kids must be taking if they hope to go through the SAT tests. They can non assist with homework† ( Kozol231 ) . He is giving equal cases that make his avowal believable. After reading his essay it is sensible to believe the broad range job of illiteracy. What it besides shows is that even being literate can be considered nonreader on another. For illustration the mean reader like myself likely had problem understanding his context the first clip around or even the 2nd or the 3rd which can do you experience like your on a low-level degree of literacy. He made me experience like I was in a sense nonreader to his words and cognition. It was really good in directing a message to me about hoe all the people confronting illiteracy must experience in their mundane lives.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Paper Plate Maker essays

Paper Plate Maker essays The plate maker is a device used in combination with the offset press to create copies from a single piece of paper which is also known as a master. There are many different types of plates which can be made with the plate maker, such as direct image plate which is used for small amounts of copies and have the image adhered to paper by use of a grease pencil and when you are ready to place this direct image plate onto the press you use special fluid which makes the background that the image is not on receptive to water so that when printing with the offset press your paper does not appear all black. Photo direct plates are another type of plate which is used for making small amounts of copies of something because they are not very durable. Theyre made directly from paper that is the same size as the image or item to be printed. The plate is given an electrical charge and the part of the paper without the image gets the charge then an oppositely charged toner is adhered and fused to the image area before printing. Metal plates or Presensitized plates are used when making a large amount of copies or when you are copying something with the offset press which youd like to save the master of so that you can copy it at later times without making another plate. A flat or special masking sheet called a golden rod is attached to negative of the image, and then the negative and goldenrod are used with the mercury exposure system which exposes the plate underneath the goldenrod sheet to light for 30 seconds. The goldenrod blocks the light and lets some of it through the negative to burn the image onto the metal plate. The metal plate is then coasted with subtractive plate developer which lets you put the plate in the machine right now. Otherwise if you didnt want to use the metal plate right now youd have to put a gum plate chemical on the plate to stop it from oxidizing or rushing. Diffusion transfer plates are ano...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Timeline of U.S. and Soviet Relations

Timeline of U.S. and Soviet Relations Through most the final half of the  20th century, two superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, were embroiled in a struggle- capitalism versus communism- and a race for global domination. Since the fall of communism in 1991, Russia has loosely adopted democratic and capitalist structures. Despite these changes, remnants of the countries frosty history remain and continues to stifle U.S. and Russian relations. Year Event Description 1922 USSR Born The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) is established. Russia is by far the largest member. 1933 Formal Relations The United States formally recognizes the USSR, and the countries establish diplomatic relations. 1941 Lend-Lease U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt gives the USSR and other countries millions of dollars worth of weapons and other support for their fight against Nazi Germany. 1945 Victory The United States and Soviet Union end World War II as allies. As co-founders of the United Nations, both countries (along with France, China, and the United Kingdom) become permanent members of United Nations Security Council with full veto authority over the council's action. 1947 Cold War Begins The struggle between the United States and the Soviet Union for domination in certain sectors and parts of the world is dubbed the Cold War. It will last until 1991. Former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill calls the division of Europe between the West and those parts dominated by the Soviet Union an "Iron Curtain." American expert George Kennan advises the United States to follow a policy of "containment" toward the Soviet Union. 1957 Space Race The Soviets launch Sputnik, the first manmade object to orbit the Earth. Americans, who had confidently felt they were ahead of the Soviets in technology and science, redouble their efforts in science, engineering, and the overall space race. 1960 Spy Charges The Soviets shoot down an American spy plane gathering information over Russian territory. The pilot, Francis Gary Powers, was captured alive. He spent nearly two years in a Soviet prison before being exchanged for a Soviet intelligence officer captured in New York. 1960 Shoe Fits Soviet leader Nikita Khrushchev uses his shoe to bang on his desk at the United Nations while the American delegate is speaking. 1962 Missile Crisis The stationing of U.S. nuclear missiles in Turkey and Soviet nuclear missiles in Cuba leads to the most dramatic and potentially world-shattering confrontation of the Cold War. In the end, both sets of missiles were removed. 1970s Detente A series of summits and discussions, including the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks, between the United States and the Soviet Union led to a thawing of tensions, a "detente." 1975 Space Cooperation American and Soviet astronauts link the Apollo and Soyuz while in earth's orbit. 1980 Miracle on Ice At the Winter Olympics, the American men's hockey team scored a very surprising victory against the Soviet team. The U.S. team went on the win the gold medal. 1980 Olympic Politics The United States and 60 other countries boycott the Summer Olympics (held in Moscow) to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. 1982 War of Words U.S. President Ronald Reagan begins to refer to the Soviet Union as an "evil empire". 1984 More Olympic Politics The Soviet Union and a handful of countries boycott the Summer Olympics in Los Angeles. 1986 Disaster A nuclear power plant in the Soviet Union (Chernobyl, Ukraine) explodes spreading contamination over a huge area. 1986 Near Breakthrough At a summit in Reykjavik, Iceland, U.S. President Ronald Reagan and Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev came close to agreeing to eliminate all nuclear weapons and share the so-called Star Wars defense technologies. Although the negotiations broke down, it set the stage for future arms control agreements. 1991 Coup A group of hard-liners stages a coup against Soviet Premier Mikhail Gorbachev. They take power for less than three days 1991 USSR's End In the final days of December, the Soviet Union dissolved itself and was replaced by 15 different independent states, including Russia. Russia honors all treaties signed by the former Soviet Union and assumes the United Nations Security Council seat formerly held by the Soviets. 1992 Loose Nukes The Nunn-Lugar Cooperative Threat Reduction program launches to help former Soviet states secure vulnerable nuclear material, referred to as "loose nukes." 1994 More Space Cooperation The first of 11 U.S. space shuttle missions docks with the Soviet MIR space station. 2000 Space Cooperation Continues Russians and Americans occupy the jointly built International Space Station for the first time. 2002 Treaty U.S. President George Bush unilaterally withdraws from the Anti-Ballistic Missile Treaty signed by the two countries in 1972. 2003 Iraq War Dispute Russia strongly opposes the American-led invasion of Iraq. 2007 Kosovo Confusion Russia says it will veto an American-backed plan to grant independence to Kosovo. 2007 Poland Controversy An American plan to build an anti-ballistic missile defense system in Poland draws strong Russian protests. 2008 Transfer of Power? In elections unmonitored by international observers, Dmitry Medvedev is elected president replacing Vladimir Putin. Putin is widely expected to become Russia's prime minister. 2008 Conflict in South Ossetia A violent military conflict between Russia and Georgia highlights a growing rift in U.S.-Russian relations. 2010 New START Agreement President Barack Obama and President Dmitry Medvedev sign a new Strategic Arms Reduction Treaty to cut the number of long-range nuclear weapons held by each side. 2012 Battle of Wills U.S. President Barack Obama signed the Magnitsky Act, which imposed U.S. travel and financial restrictions on human rights abusers in Russia. Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a bill, widely seen as retaliatory against the Magnitsky Act, that banned any United States citizen from adopting children from Russia. 2013 Russian Rearmament Russian President Vladimir Putin rearms the Tagil Rocket divisions with advanced RS-24 Yars intercontinental ballistic missiles in Kozelsk, Novosibirsk. 2013 Edward Snowden Asylum Edward Snowden, a former CIA employee and a contractor for the United States government, copied and released hundreds of thousands of pages of secret U.S. government documents. Wanted on criminal charges by the U.S., he fled and was granted asylum in Russia. 2014 Russian Missile Testing The U.S. government formally accused Russia of having violated the 1987 Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty by testing a prohibited medium-range ground-launched cruise missile and threatened to retaliate accordingly. 2014 U.S. Imposes Sanctions on Russia After the collapse of the Ukraine government. Russia annexes the Crimea. The U.S. government imposed punitive sanctions for Russia's activity in Ukraine. The U.S. passed the Ukraine Freedom Support Act, aimed at depriving certain Russian state firms of Western financing and technology while also providing $350 million in arms and military equipment to Ukraine. 2016 Disagreement Over the Syrian Civil War Bilateral negotiations over Syria were unilaterally suspended by the U.S in October 2016, after a renewed offensive on Aleppo by Syrian and Russian troops. On the same day, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a decree that suspended the 2000 Plutonium Management and Disposition Agreement with the U.S., citing the failure by the U.S. to comply with the provisions thereof as well as the U.S.' unfriendly actions that posed a "threat to strategic stability." 2016 Accusation of Russian Meddling in American Presidential Election In 2016, American intelligence and security officials accuse the Russian government of being behind massive cyber-hackings and leaks that aimed at influencing the 2016 U.S. presidential election and discrediting the U.S. political system. Russian President Vladimir Putin denied favoring the eventual winner of the political contest, Donald Trump. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton suggested that Putin and the Russian government meddled in the American election process, which led to her loss to Trump.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 21

Marketing - Essay Example Even though the corporation sounds quite young, most of its brand names are over 100 years old. The company was first established in 1965 through the merger of Pepsi-Cola and Frito-Lay. The company offers superior products that are of high quality. High standards of performance, competitive strategies and high integrity of people have fostered the success of the company (Stoddard, 2008). It is the largest manufacturer and distributor of beverages and other syrups and it is the largest corporation in the U.S.A. Coca-Cola was invented by John Stith Pemberton. The product WAS later bought by Asa Candler who incorporated the company in 1892. The company offers more than 400 brands in more than 200 countries. The product has over 1.5 billion customers every day. According to annual reports, the company sells over 400 brands which include diet coke, diet coke caffeine free, diet cherry coke, coke with lemon, diet coke with lemon, diet vanilla coke, Aquarius Mineral Water, diet coke with lime, coca-cola C2, diet coke plus among others. The company offers wide range of products such as AMP Energy, diet mountain screw, mug root beer, propel, sierra mist, sobe, no fear, pepsi max, sobe life water, starbucks coffee drinks and tava among others. The company adopted one quality standard in all branches around the globe. It is very committed to satisfy and protect the interest of the consumers since they are the bedrock for the success of the company. The products carry a quality assurance seal which enable the consumers to know the global quality of items. On the other hand, Coca-Cola Company offers a wide range of products including beverage concentrates and syrups. The company uses marketing strategies and product differentiation to achieve it’s of objectives of customer satisfaction. It has good reputation all over the worlds due to quality products that the company offers. It extended the products of coke and developed new products such as

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

A Class Apart Movie Review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 1

A Class Apart - Movie Review Example Gustavo Garcia, who was a competent Mexican-American civil rights lawyer offered to represent Hernandez in the supreme court of law. Other lawyers that accompanied Garcia was; James de Anda and Chris Alderete. Garcia’s argument was that the fourteenth amendment assured protection not just on the criteria of race, blacks and Caucasians but also class. The jury selectively discriminated the Mexican-Americans on the basis of class. The state of Texas openly excluded the Hispanics on the pretext that the fourteenth amendment only sheltered the whites and blacks and that the Mexican- Americans were a section of the whites. This was not justified as most Mexican-Americans were legally isolated since for over years no Hispanic served in the jury (Prince, 2010). Earl Warren, the chief justice was compelled to make a ruling in favour of Hernandez basing on Garcia’s argument. Although it is true that Hernandez killed Joe Epinosa, this decision was bound to save the rest of the Mexican-Americans from the infamous exclusion of legal matters and widespread violation of human rights. (Prince, 2010) It is also though thiruling that the Civil rights of Mexican-Americans were

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Domestic workers in America Essay Example for Free

Domestic workers in America Essay In the United States of America a domestic worker is also known as a servant and most often they work and live within the household of their employers. The servants are very distinguishable from the slaves and the serfs since they receive payments for the work they do for their employers. The domestic workers have the freedom of leaving their employment at their free will. In the households which are large there are very many domestic workers who do different kinds of jobs. In America a butler is seen as the most senior domestic worker and he performs duties such as managing the other household servants as well as handling the wines. In America the female domestic workers are known as the maids. Their household chores range from; ironing, cleaning, cooking, washing, Purchasing the household drinks and foods, caring for the children, going together with the household head for the grocery shopping as well as taking the family dogs for walks if there are any. In most instances the domestic workers in America substitute the nursing role of caring for the elderly people in different households as well as taking care of those who have disabilities. (Anderson and Bowman 1993) The different domestic worker organizations in the United States of America The domestic workers union 2000 The domestic workers union was founded in New York by some elderly caregivers, housekeepers and some nannies from the Caribbean, Latin and the African countries. This organizations has a mission of empowering, respecting, and also subjecting the domestic workers to fair labor standards in America especially in the New York City. This organization also aimed at helping in the building of a movement which would end the exploitation and also the oppression of the domestic workers in America. The domestic workers union further supports the domestic workers who have suffered some violations and also abuse as well as violation of their rights in their work places. They also conduct some referrals, they make a provision for a direct support with the domestic workers employees and they at times organize some public support to the organizations members. The other domestic workers organizations in America assist in the protection of the rights and the dignity of the American domestic workers. Some of these organizations produce a contract which is standard for all the employers and the domestic workers including the employment agencies for the domestic workers. (Chow 1994) The domestic workers organizations in America offer some nanny training programs, the computer literacy programs and also some leadership training programs. Other domestic workers organizations in America include; the domestic workers homecare centre, the united domestic workers of America, the united domestic workers of San Diego, the united domestic workers of California and the national alliance of domestic workers. How the domestic worker groups are trying to assist the domestic workers have better experiences in America These domestic worker groups break the isolation of the domestic workers who work in the domestic work industry in the United States of America. This is because without the domestic workers in America all the activities in the major cities would stop in their tracks. On the other hand since the domestic workers especially women are devalued in most of the work aspects these worker groups seek to further educate the public so that they can respect the domestic workers and the work which they do. By educating the public on respecting the domestic workers these groups tend to uncover the racial and gender inequalities which exist in the domestic work industry and the labor market. Similarly these domestic worker groups fight for the recognition of the domestic workers in America as real and also skilled workers in the American population. On the other hand most of the domestic workers are excluded from most of the basic protections which are afforded to the workers in America and this is inclusive of the national labor relations and other discrimination protections thus the domestic workers organizations in America work towards ensuring that such protections are enforced and that the working conditions of the domestic workers ere not solely left at the whims if the employers. (Anderson and Bowman 1993) Similarly these organizations further seek to establish very fair and just standards which formerly recognize the domestic workforce as a real workforce with its own protections. In addition to this these domestic organizations in the united stats of America are movements which win justice for all the domestic workers in America. (Nancy 1987) This is because they address the root causes of all the injustices as well as the exploitation which are faced by the domestic workers alone since all these issues take more than the domestic workers single-handedly. The struggles of the domestic workers in America are closely tied to the struggles of all the other American workers, the immigrants, the migrants and also the oppressed communities. The domestic workers organizations connect with each other as well as other organizations and they build a movement that is very powerful in creating the change needed in the domestic workers workforce. (Chow 1994) The domestic worker groups are looking for ways to include the domestic workers as employees and this will further lead to better working conditions for the domestic workers and they could also be free to form the labor unions just as the other employees in the United States of America. Similarly these groups work towards achieving government Acts which have fair labor standards which set the minimum and wage rates and they also address the issue of the maximum working hours for the domestic workers. Similarly these organizations ensure that the domestic workers are not discriminated on the basis of their color, religion, age, nationality, sex, race as well as their disability. (Chow 1994) How the domestic workers are treated Some of the domestic workers in America receive very bad and poor treatment from their employers as well as the other household members. On the other hand some domestic workers are treated well by their host families. The domestic workers who receive bad treatment from their employers have their privacy invaded. They are also subjected to some sexual, emotional and physical abuses which in extreme cases lead to severe injury or even death. On the other hand the freedom of the domestic workers is restricted by the employees and this implies that they are at times treated as slaves who do not have a say on the decisions that are made pertaining their lives. Many of the domestic workers in America are also treated harshly by their employers as they have their personal documents confiscated especially the new immigrants such that they cannot willingly leave their employers. On the other hand the domestic workers have their working hours and also wages violated especially the live in domestic workers. The issues that the domestic workers have to deal with Most of the domestic workers in America work under very exploitive and harsh conditions and they have very many issues which they have to deal with. For instance the domestic workers are barred from organizing into unions collectively. It is however very important to note that the domestic workers form a very significant part of the American economy yet they are not protected by the labor laws of the federal state as the other employees are protected. In addition to this the domestic workers are faced with very unique barriers of organization since they have difficulties in doing negotiations with the employers as they each are in isolation in their employers households. (Nancy 1987) Most of the domestic workers stay for significant periods with the same employers in the same industry. They are a very stable workforce and they further endure various working conditions which further violate their rights as workers as well as human beings. The domestic workers deal with a lot of issues and they are inclusive of the following; ? Wages Statistics show that half of the domestic workers in America earn very low wages. Most of them make their wages below the minimum wages. On the other hand some of the domestic workers work overtime most of whom do not receive their overtime pays for the overtime hours in which they have worked. In America the domestic workers are the key providers in their families and some of them provide for their home countries but on the other hand they face very severe financial hardships as they work in the domestic labor force. ? Abuse Similarly the American domestic workers experience a lot of abuse from their employers or even the other household members. The abuse which comes from their employers could be inform of physical or even verbal abuse and this makes then feel very insecure and uncomfortable on the other hand some of the domestic workers who face various kinds of abuse identify their immigration status and racism as the main factors which contribute to the actions of their employers. (Chow 1994) The domestic workers also experience some sexual abuse and harassments by their employers but since the employees fear their employers then they are reluctant to report such abuses to the public as well as the concerned authorities. Thus the domestic workers cannot gat any form of assistance from the humanitarian groups, the governmental agencies or even the non-governmental groups. ? Lack of health insurance Most of the domestic workers in America do not receive the health insurance or health cover from their employers. Similarly in America most of the domestic worker cannot afford decent medical care which is necessary for themselves and also their other family members. On the other hand it is only less than half of the domestic workers who get basic benefits from their employers such as sick off and other regular pay rises. (Anderson and Bowman 1993) ? Stress Most of the domestic workers in America are faced with the issue of stress in the households where they work. The employers cause a lot of stress to the domestic workers by requiring them to do multiple jobs. Sometimes the employers also require them to perform duties which are not in their job descriptions in any way. On the other hand some of the employers require their domestic workers to work for other people other than themselves. All such requirements cause a lot of stress to the domestic workers and this could even have adverse effects on their health conditions. The domestic workers experience a lot of labor exploitation and abuse than the other female workers in America and this mainly applies to the migrant domestic workers. Most of the domestic workers are isolated from their families, friends as well as the other employees. In some instances some domestic workers cannot effectively communicate with their employers and this has further led to physical or even verbal abuse. Some domestic workers are abused by their employers but they still remain for the fear that they could loose their jobs and thus they would not be able to support their families. In some extreme case the domestic workers have been severely injured and they have also been killed b their employers. (Chow 1994) Since the domestic workers have their limited choices made by their employers, the employers set the employments terms and conditions regarding their accommodations, pay, meals, contacts, off days and also their mode of payments. The employers tend to control the lives of the domestic workers in most of the aspects. Most of the domestic workers have irregular and very long working hours and they also have some irregular and low payments for their salaries. The domestic workers in America also receive accommodation and meals which are below the standards since this is determined by their employers. Some employers withhold the pay of the domestic workers and they at times fail to pay them as agreed. The domestic workers are also faced with the issue of lack of communication and movement. The employers put some restrictions which limit the domestic workers and they isolated from the outside world. Most of the domestic workers are not allowed to leave the employers houses as well as meet with other people and they are also restricted from inviting friends into their houses. Another major concern for the domestic workers in America especially the immigrants are their possession of the legal identification documents. Some of the employers confiscate the documents which belong to the domestic workers thus they are not able to register or even acquire a work permit. (Chow 1994) The measures which are being taken to rectify these situations In order to rectify the situations which are faced by the domestic workers the following measures have been taken. 1. Implementation of the domestic workers bill of rights. This bill was amended so that it could address various issues concerning the domestic workers in America. The issues which are addressed in this bill of rights included the exclusion of the domestic workers from the most basic labor protections and it also provides a further recognition for the domestic workers workforce as real workforce. Similarly in the bill of rights there was an establishment of specified protections which addressed the vulnerability and the isolation of the domestic workers to the mistreatment and also abuse from their employers. 2. Instigation of the domestic workers policies which further prevent the recruitment fees which are exorbitant for the domestic workers as well as the debt payment systems which are very exploitive for the domestic workers in the United States of America. Such policies also cover the issue of trafficking domestic workers to the United States of America. 3. In rectifying these situations the domestic work is included as a part of the formal sector of employment. This will make it more recognizable and the domestic labor will fully be protected under the labor laws. 4. There is an establishment of employment contracts which are standard for all the domestic workers in America. This helps in the protection of the domestic workers rights and responsibilities. The contract also includes a definition of the employee’s responsibilities which should be categorized under the domestic work. It also defines the payment rates as well as the working conditions under which the domestic workers should be subjected and it also defines the working hours and the day offs. The contract also considers the domestic workers who are immigrants in the United States of America. (Nancy 1987) 5. Another measure which is being taken in order to rectify the situation off the domestic workers in America is the setting of the public awareness campaigns. These campaigns are based on the laws and regulations regarding the domestic workers in America. Through these campaigns the public is enlightened on the penalties which are entitled to the employers who commit any kind of abuse to the domestic workers. On the other hand the campaigns pay a lot of attention to the issues of the racial and gender migrations and this is inclusive of the living and also the working conditions of the domestic workers. The domestic workers through the campaigns are enlightened on their rights and the rights of their employers. 6. Another important measure which is being taken in addressing the situation of the domestic workers in America is the publicizing of the complaint mechanisms and other hot line services which are accessible to the domestic workers. This would be very helpful especially for the domestic workers in America who have been experiencing all kinds of problems with their employers. Similarly this would provide a better coordination between the employers, the domestic workers and the labor inspectors as well as the immigration officers and the police. (Anderson and Bowman 1993) 7. On the other hand there is development of systematic mechanisms and also training for various labor agencies especially for the non governmental organizations in all the levels. This further ensures that all these parties have a very clear understanding of all the issues which are related to the needs and the rights of the domestic workers. Similarly they will be able to apply the suitable responses whenever the domestic workers are abuses in any way or when their rights are infringed by their employers. The trainings would help the participating parties to counsel, shelter or even refer the domestic workers for health care treatments. 8. There is also the provision of mechanisms for the domestic workers who are immigrants to the United States of America. These mechanisms call for justice if the immigrant domestic workers receive bad treatment from their employers. Similarly they ensure that the immigrant domestic workers are not exploited, cheated, persecuted and they also do not suffer from any form of abuse from their recruiters, employers and other concerned authorities. In such mechanisms there is a requirement for knowledgeable interpreters. 9. Another measure which is being taken in rectifying the situation of the domestic workers is the increase of the number of the labor inspectors in America. Their authority is also being revised so that they can be able to carry out investigations on the working conditions which apply to the informal work places such as the households. On the other hand such inspection is also undertaken on a regular basis in the households which the domestic workers work. (Chow 1994) 10. There is also the development of a positive public perception on the domestic workers especially those who have emigrated from other countries to the United States of America. This would allow the public to appreciate the value of the work which is done by the domestic workers in the country. This is creatively done through the country’s mass media especially in the soap operas whereby the domestic workers are displayed as people who play a significant role in the American economy and the whole country at large. This has further helped in counteracting the image of the domestic workers and especially the women who have very low social economic status as well as those with low education levels. 11. In the United States of America there is a regularization process for the domestic workers who are immigrants and this only grants them the right to work. Thus these domestic workers can travel to other districts but only in the company of their employers. 12. There are measures which are looking into establishing some informal and also self help organizations for the domestic workers. This would give the domestic workers an opportunity to interact as well as share their personal experiences with the other domestic workers. 13. So as to improve the situation of the domestic workers in America the government has developed some programs for the immigrant workers and this is inclusive of a pre-departure orientation which is mandatory for the domestic worker and it looks into the heath issues. The issues of the domestic workers rights and responsibilities are also addressed in the orientation. The government acts to protect the human right of the immigrant and also the local domestic workers in America. There is also an establishment of some follow-up programs whereby the employees provide the necessary information on their rights over the domestic workers under the labor laws. This would ensure that both the employees and the employers have a transparency which exists between them and thus any forms of abuses are highly avoided. (Nancy 1987) Conclusion In the United States of America the domestic workers remain to be a very significant part of the country’s secondary labor markets. However there have been very major changes in the ethnicity and the geographical origins of the domestic workers in America. On the other hand the domestic workers have been experiencing some very harsh working conditions from their employees whereby their privacy is infringed upon as well as their rights as workers and human beings. However there are some measures which have been taken to address the situation of the domestic workers in America. These include the implementation of the domestic workers bill of rights and other policies and programs which help in protecting the rights of the domestic workers in America. Reference: Anderson, C. And Bowman, M. (1993): The Vanishing Servant and the Contemporary Status System of the American South. American Journal of Sociology Chow, E. (1994): Asian American Women at Work, Survival, Resistance, and Coping. Women of Color in U. S. Society. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. Nancy F. (1987): Introduction, New Immigrants and Changing Patterns in New York City. The New Immigrants in New York; (Ed. ) New York: Columbia University Press.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Molecule may be key to nicotine addiction :: essays research papers

A single molecule may be partly to blame for nicotine’s addictive allure, a finding that researchers say could lead to potential therapies to help millions of smokers quit a life-threatening habit. More than 4 million people around the globe — 440,000 of them Americans — die from smoking-related causes each year. And, the nicotine-laced smoke damages more than just their lungs. The California researchers not only pinpointed a molecule responsible for nicotine addiction, they also created specialized mice to make it easier to search for other molecules impacted by nicotine addiction. The research team started by fiddling with a single gene to create mice that were hypersensitive to nicotine. The genetically engineered mice were tripped up by the tiniest exposure to nicotine — a concentration 1/50th of the strength of nicotine coursing through a typical smoker’s blood. Once hooked, the mice experienced classic signs of nicotine dependence that keep smokers puffing, the research team reports Friday in the journal Science. â€Å"Dependence-related behaviors, including reward, tolerance, and sensitization, occur strongly and at remarkably low nicotine doses† in the mice, the research team wrote. In humans, reward arrives as a pleasant little jolt of dopamine, a calming brain chemical unleashed by nicotine. The body’s tolerance for the drug leads to more smoking. Sensitization means not feeling good without a nicotine fix, said Henry Lester, a biology professor at the California Institute of Technology who was among the paper’s 10 authors. In mice, researchers saw reward when mice chose nicotine hits over salt, changed body temperatures as evidence of tolerance and more running around among sensitized mice. Other researchers praised the study. The findings â€Å"not only provide direct evidence of how nicotine promotes dependence, but also raise fundamental questions about the genetics of addiction,† researchers at the Centre Medical Universitaire, in Geneva, Switzerland, wrote in a companion piece. Could drugs fight addiction? If the findings in mice hold true for humans, the work points to a specific target for a new drug to attack, others suggest. People become dependent on nicotine when it parks in nerve cell receptors designed for the chemical acetylcholine. Once nicotine fills that space, dopamine is released. By knowing the specific parking place where nicotine can exact a high toll, a drug could be fashioned to fill it. â€Å"The power lies in the ability to be so specific. In being so specific, you can treat the cause without the ramifications of the side effects,† said Stephen L.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Eight Stages of Development

This paper will present an overview of the developmental tasks involved in the social and emotional development of children and teenagers which continues into adulthood. The presentation is based on the Eight Stages of Development developed by psychiatrist, Erik Erikson in 1956. According to Erickson, humans move through eight stages of psychosocial development during our lives. Each stage centers around a specific crisis or conflict between competing tendencies.Erikson's theory consists of eight stages of development. Each stage is characterized by a different conflict that must be resolved by the individual. When the environment makes new demands on people, the conflicts arise. â€Å"The person is faced with a choice between two ways of coping with each crisis, an adaptive or maladaptive way. Only when each crisis is resolved, which involves change in the personality; does the person have sufficient strength to deal with the next stages of development†(Schultz and Schultz, 1 987).If a person is unable to resolve a conflict at a particular stage, they will confront and struggle with it later in life. Learning Basic Trust Versus Basic Mistrust (Hope) Chronologically, this is the period of infancy through the first one or two years of life. The child, well – handled, nurtured, and loved, develops trust and security and a basic optimism (Stevens, 1983). Badly handled, a child becomes insecure and mistrustful. Learning Autonomy Versus Shame (Will) The second psychosocial crisis, Erikson believes, occurs during early childhood, probably between about 18 months or 2 years and 3? o 4 years of age. According to Erikson, self control and self confidence begin to develop at this stage (Stevens, 1983). Children can do more on their own. Toilet training is the most important event at this stage. They also begin to feed and dress themselves. This is how the toddler strives for autonomy. It is essential for parents not to be overprotective at this stage (Steven s, 1983). A parent's level of protectiveness will influence the child's ability to achieve autonomy. If a parent is not reinforcing, the child will feel shameful and will learn to doubt his or her abilities. Erikson believes that children who experience too much doubt at this stage will lack confidence in their powers later in life†(Woolfolk, 1987). Learning Initiative Versus Guilt (Purpose) Erikson believes that this third psychosocial crisis occurs during what he calls the â€Å"play age,† or the later preschool years (from about 3? to, in the United States culture, entry into formal school). The development of courage and independence are what set preschoolers, ages three to six years of age, apart from other age groups.Young children in this category face the challenge of initiative versus guilt. As described in Bee and Boyd (2004), the child during this stage faces the complexities of planning and developing a sense of judgment. During this stage, the child learns to take initiative and prepare for leadership and goal achievement roles. Activities sought out by a child in this stage may include risk-taking behaviors, such as crossing a street alone or riding a bike without a helmet; both these examples involve self-limits.These behaviors are a result of the child developing a sense of frustration for not being able to achieve a goal as planned and may engage in behaviors that seem aggressive, ruthless, and overly assertive to parents (Marcia, 1966). Aggressive behaviors, such as throwing objects, hitting, or yelling, are examples of observable behaviors during this stage. Industry Versus Inferiority (Competence) Erikson believes that the fourth psychosocial crisis is handled, for better or worse, during what he calls the â€Å"school age,† most likely up to and possibly including some of junior high school (Erickson, 1950). Children at this age are becoming more aware of themselves as individuals. † They work hard at â€Å"being responsible, being good and doing it right. † They are now more reasonable to share and cooperate. † (Gross, 1987). Allen and Marotz (2003) also list some cognitive developmental traits specific for this age group: Children understand the concepts of space and time, gain better understanding of cause and effect and understand calendar time. At this stage, children are eager to learn and accomplish more complex skills: reading, writing, telling time.They also get to form moral values, recognize cultural and individual differences and are able to manage most of their personal needs and grooming with minimal assistance (Allen and Marotz, 2003). At this stage, children might express their independence by being disobedient, using back talk and being rebellious. Learning Identity Versus Identity Diffusion (Fidelity) During the fifth psychosocial crisis (adolescence, from about 13 or 14 to about 20) the child, now an adolescent, learns how to answer satisfactorily and happily the question of â€Å"Who am I? But even the most adjusted of adolescent’s experiences some role identity diffusion: most boys and probably most girls experiment with minor delinquency, rebellion, self – doubts flood the adolescent (Kail and Cavanaugh, 2004). Erikson is credited with coining the term â€Å"Identity Crisis†(Gross, 1987). Each stage that came before and that follows has its own ‘crisis', but even more so now, for this marks the transition from childhood to adulthood. This passage is necessary because â€Å"Throughout infancy and childhood, a person forms many identifications.But the need for identity in youth is not met by these (Wright, 1982). This turning point in human development seems to be the reconciliation between ‘the person one has come to be' and ‘the person society expects one to become'. This emerging sense of self will be established by merging past experiences with expectation of the future. In relation to the ei ght life stages as a whole, the fifth stage corresponds to the crossroads: Adolescents â€Å"are confronted by the need to re-establish [boundaries] for themselves and to do this in the face of an often potentially hostile world (Gross, 1987). This is often challenging since commitments are being asked for before particular identity roles have formed. At this point, one is in a state of ‘identity confusion', but society normally makes allowances for youth to â€Å"find themselves,† and this state is called ‘the moratorium': As in other stages, bio-psycho-social forces are at work. No matter how one has been raised, one’s personal ideologies are now chosen for oneself (Wright, 1982). Oftentimes, this leads to conflict with adults over religious and political orientations.Another area where teenagers are deciding for themselves is their career choice, and oftentimes parents want to have a decisive say in that role. If society is too insistent, the teenager w ill agree to external wishes, forcing him or her to stop experimentation and finding true self-discovery. Once someone settles on a worldview and vocation, will he or she be able to incorporate this aspect of self-definition into a diverse society? According to Erikson, when an adolescent has balanced both perspectives of â€Å"What have I got? † and â€Å"What am I going to do with it? he or she has established their identity (Gross, 1987) Learning Intimacy Versus Isolation (Love) The Intimacy vs. Isolation conflict is emphasized around the ages of 20 to 34. At the start of this stage, identity vs. role confusion is coming to an end, and it still lingers at the foundation of the stage (Erikson, 1950). Young adults are still eager to blend their identities with friends. They want to fit in. Erikson believes we are sometimes isolated due to intimacy. We are afraid of rejections such as being turned down or our partners breaking up with us.We are familiar with pain, and to som e of us, rejection is painful; our egos cannot bear the pain. Erikson also argues that â€Å"Intimacy has a counterpart: Distantiation: the readiness to isolate and if necessary, to destroy those forces and people whose essence seems dangerous to our own, and whose territory seems to encroach on the extent of one's intimate relations† (Erickson, 1950). Once people have established their identities, they are ready to make long-term commitments to others. They become capable of forming intimate, mutual relationships and willingly make the sacrifices and compromises that such relationships require.If people cannot form these intimate relationships – perhaps because of their own needs – a sense of isolation may result. Learning Generativity Versus Self-Absorption (Care) In adulthood, the psychosocial crisis demands generativity, both in the sense of marriage and parenthood, and in the sense of working productively and creatively. Integrity Versus Despair (Wisdom) If the other seven psychosocial crisis have been successfully resolved, the mature adult develops the peak of adjustment; integrity (Marcia, 1966). He trusts, he is independent and dares the new.He works hard, has found a well – defined role in life, and has developed a self-concept with which he is happy. He can be intimate without strain, guilt, regret, or lack of realism; and he is proud of what he creates; his children, his work, or his hobbies (Marcia, 1966). If one or more of the earlier psychosocial crises have not been resolved, he may view himself and his life with disgust and despair. Conclusion These eight stages of man, or the psychosocial crises, are likely and insightful descriptions of how personality develops but at present they are descriptions only.We possess at best simple and tentative knowledge of just what sort of environment will result, for example, in traits of trust versus distrust, or clear personal identity versus diffusion. Socialization, then is a learning – teaching process that, when successful, results in the human organism's moving from its infant state of helpless but total self-absorption to its ideal adult state of sensible conformity coupled with independent creativity.References Bee, Helen and Boyd, Denise. (2004). The Developing Child. (10th ed. ). Boston: Pearson Erikson, E. H. (1950). Childhood and society. New York: Norton (1950); Triad/Paladin (1977), Erikson, E. , (1956), The Problem of Ego Identity, Journal of the American Psychoanalytic Association 4 Gross, F. L. (1987). Introducing Erik Erikson: An invitation to his thinking. Lanham, MD: University Press of America. Kail, R. V. , ;amp; Cavanaugh, J. C. (2004). Human development: A life-span view. Belmont, CA: Thomson/Wadsworth. Marcia, J. E. , (1966), Development and validation of ego identity status, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 3 PSY 345 Lecture Notes – Ego Psychologists, Erik Erikson, http://www. psychology. sunysb. du/ewater s/345/2007_erikson/2006_erikson. pdf, retrieved 2010-11-11   Stevens, Richard. (1983). Erik Erikson, An Introduction. New York: St. Martin's Press. Schultz D. P. & Schultz S. E. (1987). A History of Modern Psychology. Orlando, FL: Harcourt-Brace. The Theoretical Basis for the Life Model-Research And Resources On Human Development, http://www. lifemodel. org/download/ModelBuildingAppendix. pdf, retrieved 2010-11-11   Woolfolk, A. E. (1987). Educational Psychology, (3rded. ). New Jersey: Simon and Schuster. Wright, J. Eugene (1982). Erikson: Identity & Religion. New York; The Seabury Press

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Hr Report on Telenor

INTRODUCTION OF TELENOR:- [pic] In Pakistan Telenor launched its operation in March 2005 as the single largest direct European investment in Pakistan, setting precedence for further foreign investment in the telecom sector. In a little over two years, Telenor have grown to become a leading telecom operator in the country. In fiscal year 2006, Telenor achieved nearly 200% growth in their subscriber base- The Highest in the industry by a wide margin. Telenor is the fastest growing mobile network in the country, with coverage reaching deep into many of the remotest areas of Pakistan. In most difficult terrains, from the hilly Northern areas to the sprawling desserts in the south, at the time they are the only operator connecting the previously unconnected. Telenor are spread across Pakistan, creating 2,200 direct and 20,000-plus indirect employment opportunities. We have a network of 15 company-owned sales and service centers, more than 200 franchisees and some 100,000 retail outlets. [pic] VISION STATEMENT:- Telenor vision is simple; they exist to help their customers to get the full benefit of communication service in their daily lives. The key to achieving this vision is mindset where everyone works together. Making it easy to buy and use their services. Their vision is inspiring vision to find new ways. Telenor vision statement is:- MISSION STATEMENT:- At Telenor, it is believed that responsibility and trust are inseparable. Telenor must have trusting relationships its customers, owners, employees and society in general. Therefore a determined effort is made to attend to the group responsibilities in society in comprehensive and innovative way. Telenor striving to be a driving force in creating, simplifying and introducing communication and content solutions to the market place. Their mission statement is:- CORE VALUES:- Telenor has mainly four core values: ? Make it easy ? Keep promising ? Be inspiring ? Be respect full MARKET SHARE OF CELLULAR INDUSTRY IN PAKISTAN:- [pic] From the above chart we see that Telenor has catched up the warid. Both are tied up at this time. HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT PLANNING HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT OF TELENOR:- Human Resources (HR) is about creating a winning organization, generating outstanding business performance through the development of people and teams. Working in Telenor organization is high profile, rewarding and demands the ability to take tough, insightful decisions and translate them into action. HR's overall function is to devise and implement strategies and policies to ensure that they have the right people with the right skills. Within that, there are numerous options For example; it could be covering culture change, leadership development, strategic talent management, coaching and skills development or alignment of reward with performance. OBJECTIVE OF HUMAN RESOURCE DEPARTMENT:- The objective of the Human Resource department is â€Å"To Facilitate Growth. Telenor people are the most important asset. In Human Resources (HR) they support and develop people, enabling them to deliver outstanding business performance. Telenor culture is about empowering people, both to contribute to their business objectives and to achieve their own personal and career goals. HR's overall function is to devise and implement strategies and poli cies to ensure that we have the right people with the right skills. HR manager has most important function to they guide the employees how they move on corporate ladder. Manager must know what is the employee’s strength and weakness. So they train the employees in weak areas. RECRUITMENT & PLACEMENT PRACTICES SELECTION PROCESS:- Telenor selection process is designed to identify the potential to become the future business leaders, while helping people decide if Telenor is the right organization for them. JOB POSTINGS:- The type of mediums that they use in order of preference for posting their jobs. 1. Internal C. V Pools: They keep track of all their employees CV’s & when they have jobs available they look for potential candidates among their own staff for internal recruitment. Filling a vacancy by their current employees is their first choice. . Head hunters:- Telenor has assigned human resource corporations or agencies to look for talented & well knowledgeable people for them & provide them with people with the specific descriptions that Telenor has posted. 3. Newspapers:- In case they don’t get people from above sources they go for public offerings by giving ads in news papers mostly well known an d mass published newspaper having goodwill in the market such a s† Dawn†, â€Å"The News†Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ or â€Å"Jang† 4. Campus Drives:- Telenor also sends its HR teams to different universities campuses for finding out the potential talent that can be of use to them in the future. Their HR people have the descriptions or know description according to which they look for prospective employees. They also provide internship opportunities and then select suitable candidates and then conduct 1-2 normal interview and then offered to job to selected candidate. COMPENSATION PRACTICES COMPENSATION PLANS:- Before deciding on the compensation plans the H. R department try to understand the goals of the company. Groups of pay ranges are developed so that it would be easier to make compensation plans for the employees. Usually promotions to higher group depend upon the efforts of the employees and very seldom on their experience. Compensation plans include both direct and non-direct compensations. JOB EVALUATION:- The HRM department of Telenor does Job evaluation. The method used by the company is Point method. In point method points and degrees are specified. HRM department conduct the salary surveys, evaluate jobs, and develop pay grades, use wage curves and fine tune pay rates. The information is kept as confidential to make sure that no information is being leaked out. In Telenor employee also do job evaluation by himself. The employee is often being given individual goals, so he has to work on how to achieve those goals. The goals assigned to him will make sure that employee constantly learns and improves in order to achieve the goals. The goals are always very challenging and require the employee to critically analyse his strengths and weaknesses and look for the competencies that he wants to develop. PERFORMNCE DEVELOPMENT PLANNING SYSTEM:- Telenor have â€Å"Annual confidential reporting† for their employee’s evaluations, under which they measure employee performance. This process of measuring performance is run in collaboration with HR & the concerned department whereby each employee is evaluated on occasional basis & in case the performance is above expectations they are instantly rewarded, however in other circumstances of less than par performance there are no punishments such as demotions, salary cuts etc but they are warned in writing, if this does not improves their performance they are again given a second letter in writing which is the last warning they get for improvements. APPRAISAL METHODS:- Telenor uses various appraisal methods most common ones are: ? Ongoing Feedback ? 360Degree Feedback PAY STRUCTURE:- The pay structure of Telenor is kept confidential. They don’t provide much information regarding their pay structure. The limited information that was provided to us was that including the basic pay. They are also given bonuses, fuel, and advance in case of emergency. Telnor provides it employees with increments on annual basis. The factors that are kept in consideration during increments are the inflation rate of the country, the kind of task the employees have performed and the kind of experience or position the employees hold. All these factors ensure that they don’t encounter any salary compression problem in their work setting. They also analyze the pay structure of their competitors & if they see any changes they also work out their basic pay structures accordingly. Measures are also taken to keep an internal equity among various jobs in the organization. However what we have analyzed during the whole reporting process is that they are paying comparatively higher than the industry. JOB SAFETY PROGRAMS:- Telenor provides certain job safety programs such as Smoke free environments: there are certain areas called â€Å"Smoking room† where people can smoke. Smoking inside the office is strictly prohibited. ? Fire Equipment: Fire alarms are installed in various places and people are given training to operate them. ? Emergency Bell: the employees are made familiar with the emergency bell, which will ring in case of earthquake or any other matter. HEALTHY WORK ENVIRONMENT:- Telenor is responsible for supporting a working environment characterized by high job-satisfaction, opportunities for personal and professional development, and low rate of sick leave and injuries. Telenor’s managers are responsible for establishing effective arrangements to identify and eliminate or control work-related hazards and risks, and promote health at work. These arrangements are organized, planned, implemented and evaluated with employee participation. Telenor has established a Health, Safety and Working Environment (HSE) Management System to ensure that the effort to develop and maintain a good working environment is an ongoing process throughout the Telenor Group. TELENOR EMPLOYEES STRATEGIES TO MOVE UP ON CORPORATE LADDER :- Most employees want to move the corporate ladder and is the responsibility of manager how they guide them. They help to choose the right career. They guide the employees about their career and they also trained the employees according to their job. CAREER PLANNING PROCESS AT TELENOR:- An on going process preparing, implementing and monitoring career plans undertaken by the individual alone or in concern with the organizations career systems. The practice of organizational career planning involves matching an individual’s career aspirations with the opportunities available in an organization. If a career management is successful, the individual and the organization must assume an equal share of responsibilities for it . The individual must identify his or her aspiration and abilities and through counseling, recognize what training and development are required for a particular career path. Long term career planning focuses on Core Workplace Skills such as communications (verbal and written), critical and creative thinking, teamwork and team building, listening, social, problem-solving, decision-making, interpersonal, project management, planning and organizing, computer/technology, and commitment to continuous/lifelong learning. Telenor focus on short term and long term career planning:- SHORT-TERM CAREER PLANNING: Short-term career plan focuses on a time frame ranging from the coming year to the next year. For a short term career planning Human resource department with the help of HR manager focuses on following exercises:- 1. Analyze likes and dislikes:- They enjoy training programs, company’s quarterly/annual meetings and dinning, national and international traveling etc. Every single corporate decision is taken after a consultation with all relevant departments. 2. Analyze Passion:- Analyze passion reflects on times and situations in which they feel most passionate, most energetic, most engaged. 3. Analyze strengths and Weakness:- In this analyze work experience, education, training, skill development, talent and abilities, technical knowledge, and personal characteristics. 4. Analyze Definition of success:- â€Å"Success comes to those who make it happen not to those who let it happen† It means spend some time on knowing how they define success. What is success in their point of view such as wealth, power, control and contentment? 5. Analyze Personality:- They prefer young, bachelors, soft spoken, cool minded, found of traveling ,excellent team player/leader, down to earth and definitely educated etc In each department they seek an individual who is a good intellectual. LONG-TERM CAREER PLANNING:- Long term career planning usually involves a planning of five years or longer and involves a broader set of guidelines and preparation. Long range career planning should be more about identifying and developing core skill that employees will always value while developing personal and career goals in broad strokes. Like HR department has its own plan that how to develop managers and leaders for tomorrow. They have strongly plans to develop individuals who can look after several different regions while sitting in Islamabad office (Head office). Similar opportunities and case studies are offered to such members to gauge their skills and interests. Beside this an emphasis is also on providing knowledge of all related and relevant things that may help in their future jobs. USEFUL TOOLS /RESOURCES OF CAREER PLANNING AT TELENOR:- These are the tools that use for career planning at Telenor:- . Career assessment tools:- They have a collection of best self assessment tools, designed to give a better idea to their employees to analyze attitudes and interests as they relate to possible career choices. Employees are welcomed to share their classified information with HR department and seek professional solutions for their work-related problems. For example; the major tool they used for self assessment are workbooks and workshops and for organizational assessment major tools are performance appraisal, succession planning. . Career change resources Some tools and resources specially established for jobseekers contemplating a career change. For example I f an employee want to change his career from IT professional to HR person they are provided opportunity for job shadowing. Employee’s actual moves between few departments he likes work therefore a few days and then finalizes with relevant head of departments and HR manger to switch to specific department. 3. Career exploration resources:- They give their employees opportunity to find some great resources designed to help them in order to learn more about different jobs, careers and career exploration. 4. Transferable skills: The concept of a transferable skill is a vital job –search technique that all the job- seekers should master, through the concept is especially important for career changers and college students. For example each member involved in any type of training is held responsible to transfer all these skills to a next person. 5. Workplace value assessment:- The assessment tool is used to better understand the core values of the employees working in organization and also analyze what the employees want in their jobs, and career. For example make their employees to fill the required details of all kind of national and international training in the event feed back forms then the management able to know the learning objectives of employees which they want further in their careers. Telenor offers exciting and challenging careers with competitive pay, excellent benefits and exceptional advancement opportunities. Telenor care their employees and provide them with a relaxed and enriching working environment. Telenor training and further education programs ensure a high professional standard amongst our employees. Telenor believe that a talented and loyal workforce plays a crucial role in the organization’s ongoing business success. Telenor's management and organization is imbued with joint values. The Group Management has devised five leadership requirements that apply to all managers in the Group, and all management groups shall discuss what these requirements mean to them. The demands are: †¢ Passion for business †¢ Change and constant renewal †¢ Operational excellence †¢ Empower people †¢ Integrity TRAINING & DEVELOPMENT PRACTICES TRAINING:- The process for providing employees with specific skills or helping those correct deficiencies in their performance. ? Training is the systematic process of altering the behavior of employees in a direction that will achieve the organization goals. Training is related to present job skills and abilities. It has a current orientation and helps employee’s master specific skills and abilities needed to be successful. A formal training program is an effort by the employees to provide opportunities for the employee to acquire job related skills, attitude and knowledge. ? Learning is the act by which the individual acquire skills, knowledge and abilities that result ion a relatively permanent change in his /her behavior. TRAINING METHODS:- I There are to types of training methods. 1. On t he job training 2. Off the job training 1. On the job training:- It includes job rotations apprenticeship, understudy assignment and formal mentoring program. 2. Off the job training:- Off the job training includes:- ? Seminar ? Lectures ? Conferences ? Workshops TELENOR TRAINING METHODS:- In Telenor training methods include:- 1. Class room lectures:- It conveys technical, personal and problem solving skills and also demonstrates their technical skill by film and videos. 2. Simulation exercise:- It includes actual performance, case analysis, and experimental exercises, role playing and group interaction. 3. Vestibule Training:- It includes learning tasks on the same equipment but in a simulated work environment GOALS OF TRAINING:- These are the goals of training 1. Training Validity: Did the trainees learn skills or acquire knowledge or abilities during the learning. 2. Transfer Validity:- Did the knowledge, skill, abilities learned in training lead to improved performance on the job? 3. Inter organizational validity Can a training program that has been validated in one organization be used successfully in another firm? TYPE OF TRAINING:- Following are the types of training that are commonly used in general in any organization. 1. SKILLS TRAINING:- It includes basic literacy skills, technical skills, and interpersonal skills and problem solving skills. 2. Cross functional Training:- It involves training employees to perform operation in areas other than their assigned job. 3. Creativity Thinking: It is based on assumption that creativity can be learned 4. Literacy Training:- It involves the mastery of basic skills reading, writing, arithmetic and their uses in problem solving. 5. Diversity Training:- Diversity training program are designed to teach cultural differences and how to respond to these in work place. . Crisis Training:- It involves preparing employees with tragedies, crashes and workplace violence etc. 7. Customer Service Training:- It include provide customer service to give the employee the skills they need to meet and exceed customer expectation. TELENOR TYPES OF TRAINING:- Training divided into two parts:- 1. Technical Training:- Technical training is conducting whenever they introduces new scheme so that they tr ain their employees about the usage of this new scheme. 2. Non Technical Training:- This training is further divided into two parts IT Based Training:- This training relates to equipment and technology Non –IT based Training:- Non IT based training is also divided in two section in first section Management training, Communication training, Teams training, Group training is given to employees. And in second section is consisting of launch scheme training, Price training, Customer training. DEVELOPMENT:- An effort to provide with the abilities the organization will need in the future. Diagnostic steps in development program CRITERIA FOR TRAINING VERSUS DEVELOPMENT:- |Training |Development | |Focus |Current job |Current and future job | |Scope |Individual employees |Work group or organization | |Time frame |Immediate employees |Long term | |Goal |Fix current skill eficit |Prepare for future work demands | Their scope of training is on individual employees such as the training of HR manager; where as scope of development is on the entire workgroup like sales group working in their separate departments or other groups in their organization. Their training is job precise and addresses particular performance defects or problems, where as development is concerned with the work force‘s skills and versatility. Their training tends to focus on immediate organizational needs while development tends to focus on long term requirements. The goal of training is a fairly quick improvement in workers performance their main aim is to satisfy their customer as well as for this purpose they train their employees and spend huge amount on their training for this they focus on the immediate organization needs. Whereas the goal of development is the overall enrichment of the organizations human resources Training strongly influences present performance levels, while development pays off in terms of more capable and flexible human resources in the long run. Their highly tailored approach to training ensures that their employees enjoy increased performance, achieve higher levels of customer delight and more motivated and committed towards their work. RELATIONSHIPBETWEEN PERFORMANCE APPRAISAL AND CAREER:- There is specific description of HR manager responsibilities that are associated after conducting evaluation with respect to career development. Assessment:- Effective preparation of performance development plans, for their employees, requires the ability to assess the needs of the employee and the organization. Employee may develop own skills in this area by attending the course, â€Å"Enhancing Career and Organizational Options,† offered by Staff Education and Development on job. Help their employees to set career goals that are consistent with their skills, knowledge, experience and interests by providing feedback based on observations and assessment of their abilities, readiness and potential. The assessment should be based on manager’s actual experience and observation of employee performance and behavior rather than on assumptions and personal biases. Providing Information:- HR manager will support career development when he informs an employee about options for and possible barriers to career movement. For example, he may tell his employees about upcoming positions or openings for which they may be qualified, or about budgetary constraints which may inhibit career options or development opportunities in the unit or department Referral:- Refer employees to others who can assist them in achieving development goals. It is the responsibility of HR manager, to be aware of the appropriate referral sources both within and outside of the department. He may refer employees to books, journals, professional associations or other sources of information. He may also put them in touch with people who might be willing to serve as mentors or with those who might provide an information interview in which employees can learn more about a field or position from someone who is currently working in that area or capacity. Guidance:- Encourage employees to focus on clear, specific and attainable career goals. Share knowledge and experience with employees. Typical questions employees have are: 1) What is required to move to the next logical position? 2) What are the chances for advancement in this department? 3) How to be mobile within the company? 4) What is the difference between a promotion and an upward reclassification? 5) Who to contact for further information or career counseling. Provide guidance to employees about steps they might take to improve existing skills and knowledge or develop in new functional areas. Develop:- HR manager support employee development when he assigns employees roles or tasks which challenge them and provide the opportunity to grow. Base decisions about development options and opportunities on a careful assessment of the employee's readiness to accept additional or new responsibilities or challenges. Provide on-the-job training and refer employees to classes, workshops, and other learning and development opportunities, and recommend employees to serve on committees, task forces or cross-functional teams. CONCLUSION:- As Telenor one of the best cellular organization, thus it is very difficult to for me give recommendations to them. They continuous review their strategies and make adjustments according to their requirements. They follow almost all norms of efficient working environment and at the heart of it lies the HRM department that manages people very effectively. The HRM departments make programs like performance development planning, which ensures that the employees learn the skills are necessary to achieve the organizational goals. Other then that, they also want employees to put up suggestions for training needs. These way employees evaluate themselves and ask for training if they feel any deficiency. They have also discussed the career path from both perspective organizational point of view and individual point of view. After informal chat with the employees we come across that they are satisfied with their work, working environment, salary, incentives and the behavior of top management. In my point of view Telenor is the best company providing services to their customers. But few things like long working hours and working even on public holidays and fear of monotonous job is one of the greatest challenge which HR department need to meet in coming years. After analyzing I came to know that the training they provided to their employees is satisfactory after informal chat with some employees I realize that employees are happy and satisfied with their current job status and also they are able to handle all the tasks given to them because they trained in such a manner that they become the master of all traits that’s why they easily handle every new challenge and complicated projects. Their performance appraisal is directly link with the career of their employees and that’s why after evaluating it will be helpful for employees that HR manager properly guide them in order to set career goals that are consistent with their skills, knowledge, experience and interests by providing feedback based on observations and assessment of their abilities, readiness and potential. By this employees get to know where they stand right now and what are their strengths and weaknesses through which they get the opportunity to know the possible movements in their careers. They are also triumphant in order to keep the motivational level of their employees and that’s why turnover rate is tremendously low as compare to other companies because they give appropriate incentives to their employees, provide them such type of friendly environment so that employees themselves motivated towards their work and provide their employees full opportunity to develop their career. In this way Telenor organization guide their employees how they move up on corporate ladder. RECOMMENDATION ON TELENOR:- ? The company should increase the number of intakes for the management trainee programs and also for internships. This would help students from all over the country who want to be a part of this multinational to learn from their practices. On the other hand, the organization will get more people to assist them. ? There should no biasness at all because due to this the conflicts are not to solve but it will increase so it should better,do not iterfere any personel matters of others but try to understand each and every one should live equality. other so that they would exactly know what are the deficiencies in the current employees and what are the areas that they will have to focus on for training. Job rotation is not effectively used by the organization as a tool which would help employee learning and growth. Other then the management trainee program, the tool is not used anywhere else. Thus, restricting the employees in their own departments and with their own works and limiting their understanding about the workings of other departments and jobs. ? Frequent postings to different locations with in the country creates dissatisfaction among the employees. The organization must recruit employees from the same location where the vacancy is from. Recruiting the employee from different city and then placing him in other city would decrease employees job satisfaction. ? Communication trainings and tests should conduct by the company for the betterment of the Company and the employees. ? The Company should be flexible in recruiting the person because no one is perfect in this world so he should be up to the mark and have ability to fulfil the requiments of the Company. STRATEGIES OF MINE THAT HOW I MOVE UP ON CORPORATE LADDER IN ORGANIZATION:- If I want to move on a corporate ladder that means firstly I will decide my career planning. CAREER PLANNING PROCESS:- The decision that how I will spend my working life is critically important. To manage my work/life effectively, i need to understand What I am, what options I have, how I can get to where I want to go. I may not be able to control all the circumstances that impact upon my life, but I can influence the direction my life is going, and I can make decisions that are right for me. Managing your career is not a one-time event; it is continuous cycle of personal development. As goals are reached, new goals are established and development continuous in new direction. There are several steps in process, as illustrated below:- Steps Of Career Planning Process:-[pic] Step 1:- Determine where I want to go:- In first step managing my career I will know myself, an important part of this self insight knows where i want to go in career. Why do I pursue the work and the life I do? In short in this step I will identify the interests, values, and skills that already have and which allow me to contribute productively to my workplace. This will help me to see more clearly which competencies and life interests I want to continue to use in a work setting and those i may want to develop further. This self- reflection will guide me in determining career goals that are a good fit. Step 2:-Identify my strength and development areas In this step I will identify my strength and areas of development. It will enable me to receive input from my manager, peers, people, and other colleagues on the leadership competencies deemed critical to the provincial service. Step3:- Make a career development plan:- In this step I will create my career development plan. Completing the plan will help me make the link between my career goals and the development that will help me move toward the achievement of my goals. Based on my past performance, strengths and career goals, I will prioritize my areas for development. I will identify what type of opportunities will target my development areas and explore how to access these opportunities. Step 4:- Getting closer to your goals:- For many individuals, their career goal involves moving into a new position. Success in getting a job – externally or within government – is largely determined by gaining entry to the interview and then interviewing well. Good resumes are ital to getting an interview and strong interview skills are a must in selling the match between your qualifications and the job requirements. This workshop will provide you with the necessary skills to compete effectively for job opportunities. CONCLUSION:- According to me, Be a leader, generate different ideas, be willing to hard work, face challenging jobs , loyal to organization, colleagues, boss and also loyal to yours self that is the method of moving up on corporate la dder. QUESTIONAIRES FROM HR MANAGER OF TELENOR:- Q1) Do have career Planning strategy in your organization? Q2) what are the objectives of career planning and management in your organization? Q3) Do you have careered planning strategy in your organization? Q4) Do you assessment/ development centers in organization? Q5) How do you manage individual versus organization related to career development? Q6) Do you think career development is valuable for organization and employees? Q7) How do you make the training plan? Q8) What are the key difficulties and challenges faced by your organization in achieving the career development strategies /objective? Q9)In your estimation are you achieving the desired objectives of career development. BIBLIOGRAPHY:- www. telenor. com. pk www. altavista. com. pk www. google. com. pk ———————– Telenor – ideas that simplify Telenor – to create value for the customer by providing quality services @ affordable price. Training Technical Non-Technical Product Specific IT Based Training Non-IT Based Training Work analysis: Observation Questionnaires Performance review Critical incident Management training Communication training Teams training Group training Sales training Brand training Price training Customer training Determines behavior needed to perform work and performance standard. Examine work requirements, specifications and changes in work Organizational analysis: Discussion Rewards Analysis of meetings Review goals, mission and strategic plan Determine short and long term goal of the organization. Human resource analysis: Observation Records Critical incidents Develop behavior objectives to be accomplished through development programs. Objectives to be used in evaluation of success of program.